The circular economy continues to gain momentum, as the example of IKEA shows

Source: Inter IKEA

The circular economy continues to gain momentum, as the example of IKEA shows

Thomas Reiner | 16.07.2020

On its way to becoming a recycling company, IKEA has joined the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (ELM) as a strategic partner. The multinational furnishing group IKEA is thus clearly committed to the circular economy. The focus is on key areas such as recycling-oriented design, cooperation with political decision-makers and the development of new services. Many are still puzzling over the direction the sustainability debate will take. But the future is clearly emerging: the goal is circular economy. The dice have already been cast in the details as well.

The central goal
By 2030 IKEA wants to become a company committed to recycling. According to the company, this will involve a transformation of the entire business – from the way products, services and raw materials are developed to cooperation in the supply chain and with end customers.
The explicit goal of the measures: Products and materials should be kept in the cycle. To achieve this, the 4 Rs “reuse”, “refurbishment”, “remanufacturing” and – only as a last option – “recycling” are used.

Key areas of the strategic partnership
The strategic partnership with ELM focuses on a number of key areas. These include public endorsement and promotion of recycling design, inspiring a new generation of designers and developing new services and offerings for consumers to recognise the value of products and materials for recycling and act accordingly. IKEA plans to work with political decision-makers to further support the change towards a circular economy.

The role of ELM
The strict reporting of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a key element of the strategy. It not only sends out a strong signal and gives the move a great public reputation. It is also a practical means of consistently and validly driving forward the measures towards recycling management.

The big picture
While many people are still puzzling over the direction in which the discussion about the circular economy will develop, the future has long since become clear: the trend is towards the circular economy.
One of the consequences of this development is that some materials will disappear. At the same time, the use of recyclates will increase significantly.

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