Constantia Flexibles is now one of the ’50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders 2020‘

Source: Constantia Flexibles

Constantia Flexibles is now one of the ’50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders 2020‘


Thomas Reiner | 08.09.2020

The international sustainability and climate protection initiative “50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders for 2020” is supported by the United Nations and driven by the international media group TBD. The circle of the award-winning leaders comprises 50 global organisations and companies that have taken effective action against climate change with leadership and determination.

Now the global manufacturer of flexible packaging and labels “Constantia Flexibles” has joined the circle of the 50 selected leaders. The company, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, has been pursuing a consistent sustainability strategy throughout the entire production supply chain and its own production for years.

The company’s innovative products include, for example, the “Ecolam” launched in 2019. This is a lightweight, flexible mono-material packaging solution with an OPE / PE structure, which is fully recyclable and yet provides the necessary oxygen and moisture barrier to protect the products.

Constantia is committed to making its entire packaging portfolio fully recyclable by 2025. All of the company’s products can then be sent for material recycling and remain within the Circular Economy and its material flows.

Back in 2006, we had been given the opportunity to develop and install a sustainability management system at Constantia. Just like Constantia, it was clear to us at the time: sustainability is a marathon. Anyone looking for the fast sprint will fail here – and to their own disadvantage.

After all, a consistent sustainability strategy and corresponding, consistent sustainability management bears rich fruit. Constantia Flexibles shows this in a concrete and exemplary manner.
Even the initial and more extensive expenditure of time is put into perspective in the end. After all, every month invested in the development and implementation of a sustainability management system in the run-up to the project is a head start over the competition.

Sustainable companies are the winners in the Circular Economy. There are still free places to be filled…

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