Agility. What’s behind the buzzword


What’s behind the buzzword.

Thomas Reiner | 04.04.2019

According to a recent HR report from HAYS, the topic “agile organization” is already of great importance for about every second company. 69 percent of those surveyed expect the agile organization to grow in importance over the next three years.

But what does the change towards an agile organization promise? Looking at the reasons, five features stand out. At the same time, they define the term agility.


    1. Flexibility increase of the company. For 55% of respondents, flexibility is the most important advantage of an agile organization.
    2. Speed is listed as the second most important feature at 51%. This is all about fast reaction times of the company, for example, as a reaction (or even better: as proactive action) to changing customer requirements or market requirements.
    3. Networking. For 46%, a major benefit is greater networking of knowledge carriers and employees in the company.
    4. Adaptability to changing circumstances is one of the most important characteristics of an agile organization, namely for 43% of respondents.
    5. Self-organization also amounts to 43%. Above all, this means a higher degree of self-organization of employees.

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